TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Sorry, but someone explain our PCV to me again...
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Subject Sorry, but someone explain our PCV to me again...
Posted by evan_aggie on June 01, 2015 at 4:12 PM
  This message has been viewed 312 times.
Message I've asked before, but I don't understand why it was originally plumbed the way it was and whether I can get away with what I have in mind.

Let me say to folks what I've done at the moment.

I've capped the 2 PCV valves and the 2 turbo intake pipes (4 ports total).

The intake valve cover hoses are breathing open. The exhaust valve cover on the DS has 2 ports if I recall correctly. I've capped 1 of them. The one pointing towards the PAX side has a big rubber tube that I originally planned to attach a catch-can too.

My question - Can i route that tube right back into the PAX intake valve cover pipe? Granted, it goes up hill, but regardless, my goal was to just dump oil back into the engine and not have it even go to the catch can.

Is there a problem with this? Is the blow-by oil contaminated? Why would they just ingest it to burn it up? What would happen if I were too feed that line to the intake valve cover AND cap the DS intake valve port? Isn't that positive pressure in the crankcase, hence it needs to be vented or risk blowing seals?

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